1 x 1

Diagram of package fingerprint generation

1x1 is a package re-identification system that allows users to load images of unique packages with a tag into the system and then query with a new image of one of the inserted packages to identify which tag it was linked to. The system generates a fingerprint for each package by first isolating the package via background removal and then generating features through a color histogram, dimensions of the package and a contrastive encoder. These fingerprints can then be used to match images to package, as 2 images of the same package will have a similar fingerprint. In our tests, we are able to acheive above 90% accuracy in re-identifiying boxes for a test sample of 200+ boxes.

Siddharth Girdhar
Siddharth Girdhar
Software Engineering Intern

My research interests include reinforcment learning for robotic manipulation